
Night One

Well, it's almost day two. Quen let me type a little on this blog of his. Let me say, I'm definitely glad I'm not in Ontario this week.

For starters, the Championship's in Ottawa this week. Anaheim's up 2-nil and now, they're on foreign soil, um, ice. The fans are going crazy up there, and Ottawa will definitely have the upper hand. All of Ontario's proud that a Canadian team could, once again, hoist Lord Stanley's cup for all to see.

Well, almost all of Ontario. Us Torontonians aren't exactly too thrilled about Ottawa's crowning moment. We're part of the Original Six. They're still . . . the expansion team. Yeah, we haven't been good since the lockout, but, it's cool.

Listen to me, like I'm on the team.

Now, you're probably wondering, why am I talking about Canada when I'm here in the States? Why am I Canadian? Well, that's my pop's part, I guess. He's a Canadian ex-pat who just happened to marry a Hawaiian surfing champion, i.e. my mama. Stuff happened that's too complicated to talk about at this moment that caused a rift. Quen stayed with mama. I went with pop.

He stayed in touch with his Hawaiian roots while I embraced my Canadian roots. We're different as night and day, but we remain close, writing, e-mailing, that sort of thing. Quen's always ribbing me about why my hair is spikey with highlights. No matter.

So, last Christmas, we decided to take a year off of everything (he was about to take an internship while I was ready to head to University) to see the USA. Like our ancestors did.

Wait, no. Pop's from the great white north while Mama's from the jewel of the Pacific. We're the first Frosts to ever travel around the country. Pioneers!

Let's see. It's late, almost midnight in the west. Letterman's a repeat, as is Conan, so, I'm about to call it a night.

Oh, right. Name's Bryton. Me and Q aren't going to be on again until Monday. Got a lot of traveling to do.

I'm hitting the sack, and see you on the road.

- Bry

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